One of the most important aspects of any good assignment writing service is the presence of great specialists. With us, you can be sure that the assignment writers we provide are some of the best experts currently available on the assignment writing help market. Why are we so sure about this claim? Several reasons for it exist.

Above all, we have a very thorough process for picking assignment writers. We don’t take everyone in. You have to be a genuinely advanced specialist in many academic fields to fit in at our company. What are some of the demands we offer? A candidate has to boast an impeccable knowledge of English and must have a higher education degree in some humanities or STEM field. In this regard, we primarily give priority to individuals with Master’s and PhD degrees. After all, our company wants to ensure the maximal quality of the specialists we employ. To analyze their skills, we conduct thorough tests and assign essay writing sample tasks for the majority of the specialists. In short, our experts are not just random people. They’re professionals who have significant expertise in academia.

Another important feature to consider involves the controls we have for writers after admission. Our online assignment writing service doesn’t stop testing the experts after they enter the service. For this reason, we have a thorough system of quality assurance. Every specialist gets checked at least once a month to see whether the materials they offer are of high quality. This mechanism is perfect for ensuring the high quality of your papers. It helps both new and experienced writers receive feedback that pushes them towards the constant self-improvement of their academic skills. An assignment writer must constantly monitor their productivity to stay within our system. Consequently, the final results for the average users are perfect; the most diligent and compelling writers are the ones providing you with paper samples.


  • Free formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard and others)
  • Affordable prices starting at just $10/page.
  • Security, confidentiality and Money Back Guaranteed!
  • 24/7 Customer support

Check out the guarantees that we offer

Today, our assignment writing service provides a set of guarantees that can ensure a high level of satisfaction. What are they? Let’s take a look at the key policies we offer!

  1. Free revisions. We recognize that sometimes, changing a paper is essential. For example, you may want some clarification concerning certain statements. As long as your requests don’t go against the instructions, we are more than happy to help for free. All you have to do is click the Revision button in your personal account or contact the support specialists, and our assignment writers will start working on the modifications as soon as possible. Our service does everything it can to make your experience as convenient as possible.
  2. A money-back guarantee. We are also ready to issue a refund if we cannot provide you with the service you’ve paid for. For example, let’s imagine that you want to cancel a paper before its completion. Do you have to worry about any complex procedures? No! In this regard, we have a no-questions-asked approach. You can cancel your order, and we will give your money back if the writer hasn’t started to work on it yet. Once again, user comfort is the most important aim of our website.
  3. 24/7 support. We know that our customers want to feel as safe as possible. In this regard, we don’t disappoint. You can contact our company at any time. Support specialists are available round the clock. There’s always someone who’s ready to help you with assignments. All you have to do is write to us via the website interface or call using one of the available phone numbers. We are there to help you; with us, you will never feel abandoned.
  4. No tolerance for plagiarism. The strict policies against non-original content are yet another important foundation of our assignment writing help. We want to ensure that all our customers get content that doesn’t feature any plagiarism. To achieve this goal, we engage in two practices. Firstly, we place very strict anti-plagiarism demands on the writers. Secondly, our service features a unique internal program for screening originality. In this way, we can find out whether a text is brand new or not before it reaches you. The main goal of our website is to provide content that is genuinely unique. We work to offer quality papers created with you in mind.

We’ve hired a huge team of expert writers

Another advantage of our service is the ability to get help from top assignment writers of all kinds. In this regard, our customers have the option to ask for an expert with direct experience in a certain field (for instance, business studies). We have many professionals. Thus, finding someone with indisputably relevant experience should be relatively easy. Still, even experts with degrees in slightly different fields are often sufficient to meet your needs.

Our writers have expertise in a wide variety of subjects and can deliver a great paper even if it is beyond their immediate specialization. In this regard, a good option is to request the help of the Advanced writers when placing an order. Their services are more expensive than those of the average ones, but the quality is worth it.

If you want the help of the most potent specialists, choose the Top 10 category. These are assignment writers who have irrefutably proven their skills by completing many assignments with impeccable results and received only the highest ratings from previous customers.

And, what if you truly like the work of particular online assignment writers? Well, we have an option for you; it is possible to request the help of a specific specialist who has completed any of your previous orders. Our service keeps track of the orders we provide and, as a result, finding the person who wrote your previous papers is easy. All you have to do is contact the support department and they will immediately find the individual in question. Many of our writers are very enthusiastic about working with returning clients. After all, they already know about your key requirements and, thus, see the cooperation as something predictable. If the expert doesn’t have time to work on your order, we will also do our best to find a suitable alternative. Don’t get discouraged when you can’t acquire the help of a specific writer; as mentioned previously, we have many great specialists in our company.

Strong confidentiality guarantees protect you on our site

An important demand we get from customers is for the service to be privacy-oriented. We most definitely deliver on this goal. Here are some of the key policies our company uses to ensure a high level of safety regarding your personal data:

  1. We collect the absolute minimum amount of personal information. When ordering something from our service, you usually don’t have to provide anything but your name (which can be fake) and email. You may also disclose your telephone number if desired, but it only affects our ability to contact you in case of any instructions-related questions. In this way, you can remain more or less anonymous.
  2. Our assignment writers don’t get any information about you. Unless the data is absolutely crucial for completing an order, our experts typically don’t receive any personal information from the customers. This approach helps to ensure confidentiality. When ordering tasks, you can be sure that your information remains as safe as possible.
  3. We only use the safest payment services. Another important aspect of our service is the utilization of payment companies that are genuinely safe. You get the opportunity to pay for our services using high-quality methods. Consequently, an additional level of safety appears. Guarantees of your security stem from both our company and the top banking services. In short, you get some of the best protection.
  4. Our business utilizes many advanced security software technologies. In addition to the outlined approaches, we also invest much in the software and hardware tools that enable the proper level of confidentiality for users. Your security is undoubtedly a priority for our business.

We cover 75+ disciplines for you

An important question that many customers have involves the types of tasks we can complete. Here, the list of options is rather extensive. Our assignment writers work with a tremendous variety of topics and disciplines. Regarding humanities, we provide help with almost every type of task. Do you need business studies? We’re here to help. Need any help with Political Science? Our company is also more than ready to assist you. The list of options is truly extensive. Philosophy, linguistics, economics, nursing, healthcare, and environmental studies are only some of the options available to customers. And, what if your field is something obscure? Don’t despair! Just contact our support team and we will try to come up with some suitable solutions to meet your demands. After all, we have many experts and some of them could have the necessary knowledge.

If you are searching for some form of help with STEM disciplines, don’t despair either. We possess some services for people who want help with such assignments too. Apart from essay writing, our company also provides many hard science services. We have professionals capable of performing tasks in these fields. A good option here is to, once again, contact the support specialists and ask them to direct you towards the science-centric resources that we have. In total, our business offers help in more than 75 disciplines. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of academic writing and assignment completion, we can unfailingly deliver on all of them. So, don’t hesitate and try the services of our assignment writers today!

Prices /per page

10 High School
14 College
17 University
22 Master's
26 Ph. D.
View all

The types of papers we complete

So, what types of tasks can we generally take on regarding Humanities? Here, the list is rather large. Firstly, our company can provide help with all types of essays. If you need some discussions or argumentative work, asking the available experts for help is a perfect solution. Secondly, we can also help with different types of question/answer tasks. Thirdly, we offer assistance with tests too. Just note that a special approach should be taken in counting the value per page in such cases.

Moreover, we provide help with admission letter tasks of various kinds. If you need to get into college, contacting us is a perfect option. Summary tasks are also rather common. In truth, the assignment types we mention here are only the tip of the iceberg. A good idea is to simply send us all the necessary information about your order. Even if you have a genuinely unconventional format, we will do our best to find an appropriate professional for your order.

Deadlines and prices available in our service

Using the existing deadlines, you can ensure that the prices for our average services will be legitimately low. So, what deadline options do we provide?

  1. Short deadlines: You can choose between 4, 8, and 24 hours. Yes, we can deliver your paper that fast!
  2. Medium deadlines: Your task is still urgent but you have some time to spare? Try the two-, three- and five-day options. They are perfect for people who want a balance of speed and price.
  3. Long deadlines: Not in a hurry, but still need help? Well, you can choose 7- and 14-day deadlines.

The rule of thumb here is simple; short deadlines mean higher prices. An undergraduate (yrs. 1-2) paper with a four-hour deadline will cost you 43 dollars per page. Likewise, 7-day deadlines require a mere $17 per page, and 14-day ones demand only 15. In short, an optimal strategy for the average customer is to order something in advance. A good solution is to address us immediately after getting a task. Students often get week-long deadlines in university and, as a result, using this arrangement to your advantage is more or less easy.

There are also some additional ways to save money on the services of the assignment writers. If you are a first-time customer, we offer some great discounts. Don’t hesitate to use them and test our great service. Secondly, a good option is to look for some promotion opportunities we offer. In many cases, you can get rather big discounts (especially during various holidays). Just stay attentive, and you will get your great option. Thirdly, a good choice is to provide referral links to friends. You can get major discounts for bringing some of your acquaintances to use the services of our company. Lastly, some loyalty bonuses are also available; long-term customers get special treatment.

Preparing a perfect order: Instructions

Based on the experiences of our assignment writers and customers, we have a set of clear recommendations for placing orders on our website. Here are some of the key steps you need to take:

  1. Collect all key information about your order. The more information you have, the better.
  2. Clearly choose the correct number of pages, deadline, and academic level. A proper description of these options will help us deliver papers in a faster and more efficient manner, as we will know the exact level of complexity and speed that you need.
  3. Offer a very clear description of your order. The best way to get great service is to provide definite instructions for the writers. Use proper English and offer instructions that don’t contradict each other. In this way, you will be able to avoid often unnecessary revisions.
  4. Upload all relevant files. If you have some instructional documents, class readings, or textbooks, a good idea is to upload some data on them. Not everything can be found on the internet. Using this approach, you will save a lot of time for both yourself and the assignment writers involved.
  5. Immediately contact the writer if any changes to the instructions become necessary. The quicker you contact us, the less changes we will have to introduce to the already completed material.

After performing all of the presented options, stop worrying. All you have to do is wait for the confirmation of your order and its delivery. In this respect, we will do our best to provide service of the utmost quality. Our goal is to offer something genuinely great.

Reasons to use academic help

If you are on our website, a definite need for help is likely. What are some legitimate reasons to use services like ours? Firstly, it is fine to try our help if you are in a constant period of stressing over studies. Mental health is essential. No subjects deserve life-threatening activities. By using our help, you can significantly reduce your daily study-inspired pressure. Secondly, a good justification would be a lack of knowledge on some subject. Sometimes, instructors don’t deliver sufficient information on their disciplines. You’re forced to learn everything yourself in some courses. Consequently, getting some help with studies in such cases is absolutely normal. Using our samples, you will be able to see mistakes in your essay writing and start correcting them. In short, every type of learning-centered trouble is a legitimate motivation for using our help. So, we urge you to try our service today and get the help of outstanding writers.

Our customers say ...

#47437: "This plan is exactly what I needed! Thanks for following my draft but making it much better than I would ever expect!"
"Personal Business Plan" Business Studies
22 Oct 2019
#84383: "I love it! The writer's choice of metaphors strikes me! The paper is perfect, thank you so much!"
""The Age of Enlightenment" and "Revolutions in North America and France"" History
10 Oct 2019
#49088: "I love the paper you've completed for me! Thank you for your professional assistance and for always being there for me)"
"Positive Behavior Support Management Strategy" Education
30 Sep 2019